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ASHIAP Application for Enhancing HSE at Priok Power Generation with Digital Expertise from PT. Nocola IoT Solution

by for Portfolio August 24, 2023 0 COMMENTS

In the current digital era, industries are embracing technological advancements to improve various aspects of their operations. When it comes to safety and health, the implementation of digital solutions has proven to be a significant game-changer. A prime example of this is the integration of the ASHIAP (Application Of Safety and Health Indonesia Power Priok) application at Priok Power Generation and O&M Services Unit (POMU), supported by PT. Nocola IoT Solution’s digital expertise. This article will delve into the details of this innovative implementation and its substantial impact on safety and health procedures in the power generation sector.

ASHIAP Application Implementation: Priok Power Generation, a major player in the power industry, has taken a proactive step by adopting the ASHIAP application. This application is specifically designed to manage safety and health risks, streamline incident reporting, and facilitate efficient accident response procedures. Leveraging the technological capabilities of PT. Nocola IoT Solution, the ASHIAP application enables real-time monitoring and more effective risk management in the day-to-day operations of the power generation unit.

Benefits of the ASHIAP Application:

Proactive Risk Management: Proactive risk management involves identifying and addressing potential hazards before they escalate, ensuring a safer work environment.

Real-time Monitoring: Real-time monitoring enables instant access to critical data, empowering swift decision-making and response.

Centralized Incident Reporting: Centralized incident reporting streamlines the process of reporting and managing safety incidents in a unified platform.

Data-Driven Insights: Data-driven insights provide valuable information for informed decision-making and continuous improvement in safety practices.

Enhanced Risk Mitigation: Enhanced risk mitigation ensures a safer working environment by improving monitoring and response strategies.


The implementation of the ASHIAP application at Priok Power Generation, coupled with the digital expertise of PT. Nocola IoT Solution, presents a comprehensive solution to bolster safety and health practices in the power generation sector. By harnessing the power of technology, this solution provides a multi-faceted approach to proactive risk management and incident response, leading to a safer and more secure work environment for all stakeholders involved.

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