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In today’s industrial world, employee safety and well-being are paramount. Given the critical nature of Safety & HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), Central Java 2 Adipala Power Plant’s Operation and Maintenance Services Unit (OMU) has introduced the latest innovation: the GO SAFE application. With the support of PT. Nocola IoT Solution, this application aims to detect early hazards and elevate safety standards in the workplace.

What is the GO SAFE Application?

GO SAFE (Safety Application for Early Hazard) is a digital application specifically designed to detect and address potential safety risks in industrial environments. This application provides real-time notifications to the safety team upon detecting potential threats, enabling swift actions to prevent accidents.

Advantages of the GO SAFE Application at Central Java 2 Adipala OMU:

  1. Early Detection: The application features advanced sensors capable of identifying hazards before they pose significant risks to employees.
  2. Real-Time Notifications: When potential risks are detected, the safety team is promptly notified, allowing for immediate interventions.
  3. Accident Database: GO SAFE keeps records of all incidents, facilitating analysis and future procedure enhancements.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The application boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy for employees to interact with and access safety information.

Partnership with PT. Nocola IoT Solution

PT. Nocola IoT Solution, a leader in IoT solutions, has been a primary partner in the development and implementation of the GO SAFE application at Central Java 2 Adipala OMU. With their expertise and advanced technology, the application is anticipated to set a new standard in industrial safety management.


Through the implementation of the GO SAFE application, Central Java 2 Adipala Power Plant’s OMU demonstrates its commitment to elevating safety standards and employee well-being. This innovation not only showcases the company’s responsibility to its employees but also to the surrounding community, positioning it as a responsible and sustainable player in the industry.

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